Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Every now and again, bloggers suffer from Common Malaise. It happens to all of does!
But now I'm back. At least I think I'm back. I have to (re)prove myself to, uh, myself, and any faithful readers I had.
That being said, give me a day or two to collect all of my notes, camera cords and empty bourbon glasses and by the WEEKEND a BRAND NEW blog post by yours truly will be UP for you to READ and SHARE with your friends. (FOR YOU SKIMMERS, I CAPITALIZED THE IMPORTANT STUFF. THANKS FOR SKIMMING.)

Coming soon... A rant on light beer, the artist profile of Nicki Valente (about freakin' time, huh?), and an open letter.

So there, I'm back... with a college degree. Booya!